martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

2009 3rd Bi-National Graduate Student Colloquium Literature-Cultural Studies-Linguistics Call for Papers

2009 3rd Bi-National Graduate Student Colloquium Literature-Cultural Studies-Linguistics

“Weaving Limits: Interdisciplinary Visions of Latin America”

to be held April 18th, 2009
on the campus of
San Diego State University

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Alda Blanco
Chair of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese, SDSU

We encourage submissions on topics including but not limited to:

  • Transatlantic studies
  • Transnational relationships
  • Multiculturalism, globalization and heterogeneity
  • Borders, margins and disputed regions
  • Nationalism
  • Diaspora, exiles and migrations
  • Geography, space and time
  • Race, gender and religion
  • Body and identity

The graduate students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at San Diego State
University are proud to announce their spring 2009 Colloquium. Students from graduate
programs in the U.S. and Mexico are encouraged to submit abstracts in Spanish, Portuguese or
English not exceeding 200 words. Topics may be in any field related to Hispanic and Lusophone
literatures, linguistics, and cultural studies including literature, linguistics, cinema, music,
theater, dance, pop culture or related fields. Dissertation chapters in progress, seminar papers,
artistic works, upcoming projects and collaborative works are welcome.

Abstracts are due on Friday, February 20, 2009.
Please send all abstracts as attachments to .
The body of the email should contain: the title of the presentation, name/s, institutional affiliation, address and e-mail address.
Participants will be notified of acceptance by March 15, 2009.

Conference presentations should not exceed 15 minutes (12 point font/7 double-spaced pages).

Please direct any questions to
Cynthia Meléndrez or Juan Carlos Moraga

~2009 SDSU Spanish Colloquium Organizers
Department of Spanish and Portuguese

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